- 地质 geology
- 采用全细胞电压钳方式记录大鼠心室肌细胞在1T及0.6T溶液中ICl,swell的变化。 The anion currents elicited by swelling rat ventricular myocytes in 1T and 0.6T solution, namely ICl,swell were studied using patch clamp techniques with whole - cell voltage clamp configuration.
- 中国地质大学 China University of Geosciences
- 地质勘探 geological exploration
- 地质的 geological
- 地质构造 geologic(al) structure
- 地质灾害 geologic hazard
- 工程地质 engineering geology
- 地质条件 geological condition
- 水文地质 hydrologic(al) geology
- 地质勘查 geologic(al) exploration
- 地质公园 geological park
- 地质工程 Geological Engineering
- 地质资料 geological data
- 工程地质勘察 engineering geological survey
- 地质调查 geologic examination
- 地质概况 geology
- 冰川运动路线的位于或面对冰川运动路线的。用于地质构造 Located in or facing the path of an oncoming glacier. Used of a geologic formation.
- 地质勘测 geological survey
- 地质结构 geologic structure